I thought I’d just try and put in a nutshell why anyone should think seriously about the way they shop and what difference it would make shopping with Wikaniko – both money-wise and for the environment.
People won’t make a radical change unless it benefits them in some way – well why should they? After all, if you’re going to change something it SHOULD make your life better, shouldn’t it?
The 10 best reasons to shop with Wikaniko:
1 The most important one for me – my family’s health. Wikaniko try to avoid a numbe of toxic chemicals in their products and many of their products are organic and use essential oils instead of synthetic fragrances so that has to be good.
2 The environment. Not only do Wikaniko help us to be as green as we can and cut down our carbon footprint as they say, they also have fair trade soap which you can buy and so help a village in Africa. And they have a scheme whereby you can buy a tree to plant in Africa. Their aim is to plant 10,000 trees. Great for the environment and the people too. Not to mention the degradable bags and every package being recyclable of course :D
3 Plastic, plastic plastic! Wikaniko provide such a great range of poly bags, I don’t need to buy any non-degradable ones at the supermarket. In fact I couldn’t find any degradable ones, (apart from compost bags) only ones which were recycled. That is better than a new bag but not as good as ones which will degrade completely.
4 Make Money. Wikaniko actually allow you to buy their products at the wholesale price!
So that saves a lot. Even more so if you get together with a friend or friends and spend £100 at a time. That way you don’t pay postage and save even more. Think it’ll still be more expensive than your ordinary shop? Check out my price comparison chart below.
Of course if you really want to make money and you fancy starting your own business you can set up a little franchise all of your own with your own labels. It only costs £59 to set up (as at this date). Try finding another franchise at that price! Or of course you can become a distributor and spread the word, making money at the same time. Depending on your efforts, you could have a very healthy second income.
Of course if you really want to make money and you fancy starting your own business you can set up a little franchise all of your own with your own labels. It only costs £59 to set up (as at this date). Try finding another franchise at that price! Or of course you can become a distributor and spread the word, making money at the same time. Depending on your efforts, you could have a very healthy second income.
5 Save Money. You’ll find that once you’ve changed over to Wikaniko products, you will save money. You’ll learn how to shop wisely so you don’t buy food you’re not going to eat, cook more economically, reduce the number of cleaning products you need to use and maybe even grow some of your own veg. All of this will save you quite a bit over the year. Never mind the amount of packaging you’ll no longer be throwing out.
6 The Range. Wikaniko have an enormous range of products and these are growing all the time. Nearly 1000 now. I believe there was a whisper of another range being added soon. Have a look and see for yourself
7 It’s Easy! What I do is keep a Wikaniko shopping list next to my supermarket one. That way it reminds me to think ‘green’ as things begin to run out. Things like washing up liquid, dishwasher tabs, washing powder, toilet rolls, shower gel, handwash, deodorant etc are things I need to buy every month. (Well actually I don’t need to put deodorant on because mine has lasted since a year past April! Nice one! It doesn’t claim to be an antiperspirant but I’ve found it you put it on at lunch time too, then it is. After all it’s just solid Aluminium Alum. Much better for you.)
8 Tips and Help. There’s loads of tips and help on the Wikaniko site.
Gardening - there are videos on the home page showing you how to build a raised bed, get rid of weeds naturally with vinegar and tips on using organic pest control, getting rid of slugs and much more. There’s even a garden planning tool and you can sign up to a FREE weekly organic gardening series.
Cleaning - Well if you find you’ve got a different cleaner for every job imaginable, bathroom cleaner, kitchen cleaner, shower cleaner etc, Wikaniko can show you how to chuck them all out and use retro cleaning. Much better for the environment, it’ll save you money and space for storing all these cleaners, it’s better for the environment and you because you won’t be inhaling the toxic fumes, your skin will thank you and it does work.
Making a second income. Yes Wikaniko is a business and it’s in the business of selling. The owners are very good at it – well they’ve been doing it a long time – and so they know all the pitfalls and what does and doesn’t work. They have shared all that in the training modules and there is phone training too so it’s a great way to have a second income AND do some good at the same time.
9 Reduce Waste. If you find you throw out quite a bit of fresh produce because it goes off before you can eat it or you bought a BOGOFF and your eye was bigger than your stomach – you’re not alone! The average family throws away about a third of all the food they buy. In the UK, this amounts to around £80 billion a year ending up in the bin. We’d be as well burning it!
Well Wikaniko can point you in the right direction as it has a budget cookery book where you can learn to feed a family of 4 for £5. There are links to other sites like ‘love food hate waste’ and lots of videos too.
10 It’s fun! Well maybe this won’t be a reason for everyone but it is for me. There’s no way I want to be involved with something if I don’t enjoy doing it. For the first few months when I first joined Wikaniko, every time I went on the site I found something that made me smile – or laugh. Partly because of Trevor’s (the owner) sense of humour and partly just some of the quirky bits on there.
Wikaniko is a co-operative so yes, they have co-op stamps (their own though, not the actual co-op). You can be rewarded with stamps for all sorts of things from pointing out a typo in the literature, finishing your online training, buying enough refill packs and even just being lucky! Yes they award 3 people every week with a book of stamps just for the heck of it – or as they would say to distribute profits.
If you’re really lucky, you might even get your whole order refunded as an order number is picked out of the hat every month too. It doesn’t matter how much you ordered, could be £20 or £120. You’ll get it refunded. Nice!
Once I got a pack of sweets in my order. What other company would do that? See what I mean? Funny!!! Just makes me smile.
Well those are my top 10 reasons to shop with Wikaniko. No doubt some people will have different ideas and that’s fine. I’m open to suggestions.
Here’s a brief comparison of a few things you're likely to have on your weekly/monthly shopping list: cleaning stuff and poly bags mainly plus one or two other things. I compared with Tesco since that’s where I usually shop. I’ve tried to choose a middle of the range product so not the most expensive and not the bargain basement so the quality is good. I’ve chosen the ‘green’ one where there is one as a true comparison. Don’t know why people put the price up when it’s ‘green’!
Please remember the whole Astonish range of products are packaged in recyclable packaging, are degradable and environmentally friendly, have not been tested on animals and even better, are made here in the UK. Prices listed for Wikaniko are the Retail price. You can take around 33% off for the wholesale price. Do please check how much you are getting for your money too.
As you can see not all the products are cheaper but a lot of them are and of course the Wikaniko equivalents are environmentally friendly – sorry to bang on about it – and kind to us as well.
Please remember the whole Astonish range of products are packaged in recyclable packaging, are degradable and environmentally friendly, have not been tested on animals and even better, are made here in the UK. Prices listed for Wikaniko are the Retail price. You can take around 33% off for the wholesale price. Do please check how much you are getting for your money too.

I’m so glad I changed over. Want to chat about it and see if it's for you? Even if you feel you can only change a few products - every little helps as 'someone' said :D
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